Saturday, September 22, 2007

Notes from first half-ironman (Duke Liver Center Half)

I wanted to send out a thank you to all my sponsors and training
partners. Together we raised over $1,200 for the Spastic Paraplegia
Foundation that will help find cures and treatments for motor neuron
disorders. THANK YOU.

Click on the link below to view pictures of me at the Duke Half
Ironman (or cut and paste in to browser)


So here’s my race report…..

Woke up at 4:30 a.m on the race morning. Glad I was able to sleep the
night before because I was plagued by ‘terrified tremors’ (nervous
jitters seems too calm to describe my mental state) a few days before
the race. Put hair in new style with large barrette to keep hair out
of face – not an attractive look but functional (so I thought).

Ride to race with Shannon and Jon Mixson (two of my training
partners). Must walk about 1 1/2 miles to race start with bike, bag
and wetsuit. End up getting there a bit later than we had hoped so had
to rush to get set-up and have my age written in large numbers on my
calf (note to self: find new sport where do not have to advertise age
on body part).

Try to squeeze in to wetsuit that I have not tried on for about 5
months - will not go over my thighs. Assume gumby-like position and am
able to get it on.

Time for race to start at 7 a.m. Walk down to water and see large
waves splashing on the shore. Not a good sign but submerge self in
water prior to the women’s start. The gun goes off and I start
swimming out in to the waves of Jordan Lake. I try and swim through
them but seemed to be getting pushed backwards. You don’t have to be a
rocket scientist to realize that moving backwards in a race is not a
good thing.

Turnaround at the buoy .6 miles out and now the waves are pushing me
along. I have flashbacks to my 8 years living in California and kind
of body surf to the finish. Dig this. Still swallow a lot of water
but have Beach Boys songs going through head.

Out of water after 1.2 miles. Transition to bike. Am able to get
very tight wetsuit off of body. Put on bike helmet and notice sharp
pain where my large barrette is sitting on my head. Never mind -
it will go away.

Start off on bike trying to keep heart-rate low so that I don’t bonk
later in race. Fifty-six miles is a long time to be on a bike. Run
out of songs to run through head. Payday candy bar in food pouch
provides some excitement, along with a couple of other power bars and
shot blocks.

At about mile 40 the wind picks up and I’m starting to get grumpy.
Barrette is causing stabbing pain on head. Not sure how I am doing
since I forgot to start my watch. Note average speed has been 21.6
miles per hour so assume I am doing OK. Last six miles of ride seem
VERY long.

Transition to run. Since I nearly drowned on the run and am almost
blown off my bike by the wind, assume run has to be better. Then I
the first hill that goes on for about one mile. Proceed to run up
down hills for 13.1 miles. Realize that the folks who warned me that
this was a VERY tough course were VERY right.

Start to see some friends from tri club on the run course - we cheer
each other on. Keep self going by eating anything I can grab on the
course – tons of water and cytomax, 3 GUs, salt caps and lots of
beans on the run.

Legs start to really hurt around mile 10. Try to have zen-like
thoughts and move mind out of body. Not working so I resort to
wimpering and swearing under my breath.

Finish the race in five hours and fifteen minutes. Got a two minute
penalty for not displaying my race number in the proper position at
finish line – it was 4 inches too far to the side. Whatever!! Still
am the sixth women to finish and first in my age group (and qualified
for half-ironman nationals – whatever/whenever that is). Psyched but
may consider selling wrapping paper or candy for next year’s fund-
raising initiative.

Spend next two days hobbling around unable to go down stairs.
Children find this amusing and try new naughty things since mommy can’t
catch them.

Thanks again for all your support.
