Sunday, May 30, 2010

Wild Kingdom on the Bike

Enjoyed a grizzling 100+ mile bike ride with my friends Lucky, Pat Webster, John Wilkins and Tommy King on May 22nd. All was good in the beginning - lots of banter, friendly abuse and chit-chat.

So begins our journey to the Wild Kingdom of rural North Carolina. John found a dead baby copper-head snake that he put in a bag in his bento box. I did ask why and he replied, "they are cool". OK, its the first time that I've ridden with someone with a dead snake in their bento box.

We are riding along and John drops back for a minute. "I'll catch up," he shouts. He returns and I am afraid to ask what he has been up to. We stop at a convenience store and he shows me the live baby corn snake that he rescued from the road and is now chilling in his empty water bottle. Got to love John for his passion for nature, but I will never take a sip of water from him again :-)

Next we tackled many loose dogs. Seems once you leave the city limits, folks have really big dogs that are loose and just run around chasing stuff all day. Their favorite past time is chasing bikes. We were run down by a dachsund (yeah, kind of embarrassing) and multiple labs. The 8 rottweilers, including one large 'notweiller' were kept behind fences - thank goodness.

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